Bizning mahsulotlar yoki Preyskurant haqida savollaringiz uchun, bizga sizning elektron pochta tark iltimos, biz aloqada bo'ladi
24 soat ichida
Faith is the base for Lazen machinery to develop. Faith is brand source of Lazen machinery.
, Ajoyib iste'dodlarni yig'ish birinchi sinf mahsulotlar yaratish va yuqori martabali korxonasi barpo.
LAZEN " vakolati
Providing customers with satisfactory products and services and maximizing customer benefits.
Jiangsu Lazen Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer specialized in design, production and sale of equipment for fruit and vegetable concentrated and non-concentrated juice/pulp, fruit juice beverage, hot filled tea beverage and dairy products. Taking technology as the guide and integrating technical R&D, engineering design, equipment manufacturing, installation and commissioning, as well as after-sales service.
Biz kompaniya qulay transport sharoit va noqulay geografik joylashuvi zavq, 2 km uzoqlikda expressways G2 va G42 ezilgan Shanxay Hongqiao aeroportida va faqat 30-daqiqa haydovchi, Kunshan Iqtisodiy va texnologik rivojlanish hududi joylashgan. Biz katta o'lchamli standart ishlab chiqarish ustaxonalari va nozik ishlov uskunalar ko'p dona bor. Bizning filial kompaniyasi Jiangsu Lizhen Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. 50 yo'qmi bir er maydoni va 20,000 m2 bir o'simlik maydoni qoplaydi Dongtai Siti, Jiangsu da joylashgan.
Lazen Machinery was built by a team of technical engineers who have more than decades of experience in the fruit and vegetable equipment processing industry. After years of development, we have fostered a contingent of professional backbone technicians and core talents …
Bizning mahsulotlar yoki Preyskurant haqida savollaringiz uchun, bizga sizning elektron pochta tark iltimos, biz aloqada bo'ladi
24 soat ichida